W.I. Shirley Askew Trophy
The President of Heversham W. I. writes:
A good bowling night was enjoyed by all on Wednesday 5th July at Heversham B.C. We had sixteen ladies competing and lots of helpers scoring, measuring, tidying up, etc..
Glenis won the Shirley Askew Trophy – she’s a regular player – she plays regularly once a year! Well done Glenis. The evening ended with a real buzz over the refreshments.
Thank you to Karen Hanks, our W.I. Federation Chair for joining us. Also a big thank you to John Smith, our Club Captain, for organising the running of the evening and to Heversham B.C. for welcoming us to this annual event.
Sue Ellis President Heversham W.I..
Below you can see Glenis receiving the Shirley Askew Trophy

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