W.I. Shirley Askew Trophy

On Wednesday 4th July the annual competition for the Shirley Askew Trophy was held. The competition is held between members of the Heversham W.I. and lady members of the bowling club. This year twelve ladies took part on what should have been a summer evening, but, as everyone said, summer hasn’t arrived this year. The results this year were Dorothy Maudsley, winner from the bowling club; Hilary James, runner-up from the bowling club; Louise Tomlinson, winner from the W.I. and therefore winner of the Shirley Askew Trophy; and Margaret Nelson, runner-up from the W.I.. After the match everyone retired to the clubhouse for refreshments of cake and Pimms. Thanks once again to John Smith for doing all the paperwork, and thanks to all the members of the club who turned up to help.
Below on the left you can see Maggie Hart, the W.I. President awarding the trophy and prize to Louise, while on the right you can see Margaret receiving her prize.

Below you on the left you can see Dorothy receiving her prize, and on the right Hilary who also received a prize.

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