Jubilee Round Robin
June 5th 2022
Decorating the Clubhouse
If you click on the photos they will open in a carousel

Sixteen members played in the Jubilee Round Robin. It was played in grey conditions with some intermittent rain. Once again, besides the bowling, members enjoyed the fun and friendship, not to mention the refreshments. Wine was available either with the refreshments or after the Round Robin was over. It’s not clear whether the winners were helped by having a glass of wine during the break in play. It’s suspected that some players had a glass of wine afterwards as a commiseration. Once again many thanks to John Smith for his hard work in sorting everything out.
The winners of the Jubilee Round Robin were: First – Hilary and Martin; Second – Helen and Tom; Third – Susan and Charles. Top left is Hilary faced with the difficult decision of whether to choose wine or wine. Middle top are Martin and Hilary the winners. Top right are Tom and Helen shaking hands. Bottom left is Tom getting carried away congratulating Helen. Bottom right is Susan. The prizes were awarded by our Club Chair, Vera.
If you click on the photos they will open in a carousel.